Freedom, or Moksha, is about truly experiencing liberation when we fully embrace the present moment and find joy in whatever
In class we looked at Raga, another Klesha, which is when we are attached or attracted to something or someone. We suffer
In class we looked at identifying with the Ego, another Klesha, and how it can be a cause of suffering.
This week our focus was on Vishuddha/Throat Chakra. This chakra is located by our throat, blue in colour and associated with
🌟Ajna & Sahasra🌟
Over the last two weeks in class, we have considered Ajna/Third Eye and Sahasra Chakra at the crown. Our yoga
This week our focus has been Anahata/Heart Chakra and giving love unconditionally. This chakra is located in the middle of
This week our focus was Manipura Chakra, located by our navel. It is connected to our sense of purpose, our
This week we looked at Muladhara Chakra. We considered: What is it? Where it is located? What colour could it
This week we looked at Svadhisthanta chakra located in our pelvis and connected to the water element. Our reproductive organs
The element of fire is linked to our Manipura chakra space located at our navel. This aligns well with the
In class we considered the element Water or jala. The human body is made up of more than 70% water,
In class we considered our connection with Air. We know that Air is vital to our survival. We cannot live
In class we have been considering Space or Ether element. What it is, where it is and how we can
This term we are looking at the five elements and in class we focussed on the Earth/Prithvi Element. When we
In class we looked at the way our body moves when we breathe. The movement of our abdominal area, ribcage
Life is full of moments of joy. Our senses are treated to beautiful sounds, amazing sights, pleasant smells and delicious
Building on last week’s theme of Simplicity we looked at Stillness. By cultivating stillness within our yoga practise and in
In class this week we have been focusing on simplicity. So, in our asana practise we took it back to
🌟 Forgiveness 🌟
Our theme this week has been about letting go and forgiving, both ourselves and others. Forgiveness does not mean that we
🌟 Steadiness🌟
Steadiness in yoga is sthira. Patanjali’s Sutra states that in all that we do we should have steadiness and ease,
🌟 Happiness🌟
Happiness is our natural state that is within us, beyond our senses. In yoga this is sukha – ease/happiness. You
🌟 Patience 🌟
In class, we looked at what it means to be patient – To be able to tolerate delay without becoming
🌟 Gratitude 🌟
This week we thought about what we do have and allowing gratitude to arise, to notice how it feels. It’s
🌟 Impermenance 🌟
Impermanence is the truth of life; everything is always changing. However, as humans we generally feel more secure when things