
by Kalyani Yoga

Building on last week’s theme of Simplicity we looked at Stillness. By cultivating stillness within our yoga practise and in our lives, we are able to relax and be in harmony with ourselves.

In our modern lives’ stillness is not necessarily encouraged. It can be seen as being lazy and for some of us it can feel uncomfortable. It takes practise to be still and is well worth the results. Stillness allows us to feel better about ourselves, to be able to hear our true selves and connect with our inner voice, with God. It brings clarity and purpose to our actions.

In our yoga practise we can investigate how and where we can feel stillness and be reassured that it is somewhere we can go to at any time.

  • Stillness in our asana is where are we right now rather than how far we can go.
  • Stillness in our breath is the pauses between the inhale and the exhale. (I love this stillness between the breaths)
  • Stillness in our relaxation and meditation is allowing our thoughts to pass. Knowing that we do not have to react to every stimulation.

When we have this stillness we have clarity, and when we have clarity we have peace.

How will you be still today?

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts…

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