In class we considered the element Water or jala. The human body is made up of more than 70% water, the planet we live on is more than 70% water. It is therefore no surprise that we have this connection with water.
When we feel balanced in this element, we can feel connected to others, we are able to let things go, we are open to joy and pleasure, we are creative and curious. If this element is unbalanced we can feel unstable. dehydrated, tense and stuck. Water nourishes us in many ways. It gives us energy physically with the nutrients it provides and soothes us mentally with the feelings it encourages. Connecting with the nature of water helps us to be more flexible and fluid in the body and mind.
During class we focused on deepening stretches and releasing tension to encourage flexibility. We used the flow of breath in our movement through the poses, to encourage a fluid like quality. We focused on the pelvic area which is where svadhistana chakra is located and also connects to the water element. We practised Ujayi Breath with jala mudra to emphasise the quality of water within us. By the end of the class I hope that we were feeling more flexible and easy going 🙂
Water can teach us to go with the flow, to support others and to adapt. We can honour water and be mindful of how lucky we are to live in such a way to have a wonderful supply. Through our thoughts and actions we can work towards all beings on this planet having the same access to this amazing source.
What does water mean to you? and how do you connect with water?…. I’d love to hear your thoughts.