This term we are looking at the five elements and in class we focussed on the Earth/Prithvi Element.
When we have a balanced earth element within ourselves we can feel that we are stable, have stamina and are resilient to whatever life may bring.
To enable these feelings we need to spend time nurturing ourselves to be grounded. Spending time in nature, allowing all our senses to connect with the earth. Feel the ground through our bare feet(when it’s warmer), smell the scents in the air, hear the natural sounds, see the many different colours of nature and maybe taste nature too .
To help us ground, we can also ensure we have a stable situation around us, a routine/structure to our lives. Something like a weekly yoga class that helps bring that structure.
We can work on being rooted in our own beliefs and values. This way we do not waiver when an unusual situation arises. Our values are always at the forefront of our mind to help us make the right decisions.
Our asana practise also helps us connect with our earth element. Whilst practising we can notice how we connect with the floor, focus on our balance and stability in poses. When stretching ensuring we develop kindly so that we can bounce back – never over extending or pushing ourselves, and therefore building our resilience. Our practise influences our physical and emotional states. It’s a feeling that is difficult to describe but we know it’s good for us when we do take the time to practise.
What do you do to help you ground? How do you connect with earth? I’d love to hear your thoughts