
by Kalyani Yoga

This week we looked at Svadhisthanta chakra located in our pelvis and connected to the water element.  Our reproductive organs lie in this space and it is no surprise that this chakra is connected to our creativity.

In class we explored fluidity in our bodies and gave way to be playful and experience pleasure in our poses. We focused on the mobility and stability of the pelvic area and we moved with the breath, helping to connect with the water element. During relaxation we imagined the breath flowing in our body like a wave, bringing in healing energy and taking away all that we don’t need – allowing the space to relax.

From the grounded base of Muladhara chakra we can feel safe to move into this space and allow our creative juices to flow.  We can feel well in ourselves, honour our body and enjoy the pleasures of life.

How we express our creativity will be different for each of us. It could be drawing, cooking, dancing, music, gardening, sewing, building…. the list goes on.  All are ways to be creative, an important part of our wellbeing.

Being creative includes being playful and free to explore, as a child would. What will you do today to spark your creative juices?

I’d love to hear your thoughts 🙂

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