Freedom, or Moksha, is about truly experiencing liberation when we fully embrace the present moment and find joy in whatever we’re doing right now. Yoga guides us in letting go of our need for control and realising that we’re all part of something greater—the universe. By being present, we free ourselves from the confines of […]
In class we looked at Raga, another Klesha, which is when we are attached or attracted to something or someone. We suffer when this changes. Sometimes we do not realise that we are attached to something until we lose it. It is important to allow yourself to be aware of the attachment before you suffer the loss. When […]
In class we looked at identifying with the Ego, another Klesha, and how it can be a cause of suffering. When we identify with how we look and the roles we take (a teacher, a mother, a son etc) we mistakingly take this to be our true selves, but this is false identification. We can […]
This week our focus was on Vishuddha/Throat Chakra. This chakra is located by our throat, blue in colour and associated with the element space/ether. The qualities of this chakra are honest expression of our true self. This is our centre for communication, through speech and listening. If this space is over active we may not hear others […]
🌟Ajna & Sahasra🌟
Over the last two weeks in class, we have considered Ajna/Third Eye and Sahasra Chakra at the crown. Our yoga is about quietening the mind so that we can connect clearly with this inner perception and knowledge. This stems from our Ajna chakra and to be fully aware of this intuition we need to be […]
This week our focus has been Anahata/Heart Chakra and giving love unconditionally. This chakra is located in the middle of our chest and is connected to the air element. During the last few weeks, the chakras we have focused on, have helped us in being grounded with a sense of our purpose and passions. Now, […]
This week our focus was Manipura Chakra, located by our navel. It is connected to our sense of purpose, our self-esteem and drive to follow our passions. The element associated with this energy centre is fire and we may be familiar with the phrase “Fire in one’s belly” – our determination. To help connect with […]
This week we looked at Muladhara Chakra. We considered: What is it? Where it is located? What colour could it be? How might we feel when it is balanced. Mulachara chakra is an energy centre at the base of our spine. The colour associated with it is deep red and the element is Earth. When we […]
This week we looked at Svadhisthanta chakra located in our pelvis and connected to the water element. Our reproductive organs lie in this space and it is no surprise that this chakra is connected to our creativity. In class we explored fluidity in our bodies and gave way to be playful and experience pleasure in […]
The element of fire is linked to our Manipura chakra space located at our navel. This aligns well with the saying “Fire in one’s belly”. When we are balanced in this element we have the ambition and determination to achieve our dreams. We are able to digest the world around us to reach a deeper understanding. […]