This week we have been considering viparyaya, one of the five types of vrittis (thoughts). Viparyaya is when we mistakenly identify something that is not based on actual facts. In the above photo, it looks as though there is a two headed camel – this is viparyaya (incorrect knowledge). However, if we look closely, we can see that there are two camels standing by each other – this is pramana (correct knowledge).
Viparyaya can also occur when we mistakenly perceive someone is angry with us but this judgement is our own projection of them, we don’t actually have the facts to know whether this is true. This type of perception is the root of many misunderstandings. So, it is good for us to seek the truth, remain flexible and always be kind.
In class during our asana practise I asked us to look at how we were actually holding ourselves in a pose. Were we really doing a side bend? or were we reaching to far down and making the pose into a forward bend? In downward dog, were we rounding or lengthening our spine? Asking ourselves these questions to help understand whether we were experiencing pramana (correct knowledge) or viparyaya (incorrect knowledge).
When we notice our thoughts, we can identify those that are based on incorrect knowledge. When we are aware of this incorrect knowledge, we naturally go looking for the truth to correct it. Gradually, with kindness (ahimsa) to ourselves, we move towards a state where all our perceptions are correct. By striving to bring our thoughts to pramana (correct knowledge) we can then begin to detach from all thoughts and reveal our true self.
Action: Pause and observe your thoughts. Is the thought incorrect? If it is, learn how to correct it or accept it, then move on. Be kind and encourage yourself to experiment, make mistakes, learn and grow. Eventually allowing your true self to be revealed.
As always, I’d love to know your thoughts 🙂