This week at class we are looking at the niyama (moral code) Svadhyaya/self-study. This is a way to be introspective and connect with our true pure divine “Self” rather than being led by our mind or ego “self’”. Svadhyaya can be practised by reading of scriptures, observing ourselves and meditating.
Reading – When reading scriptures, we should be able to reflect, apply and take action. The actions we take should be from our true Self, our values and passions. To do this we need to be good at observing our actions, another form of self-study.
Observation – Self-observation is watching our actions and where they come from. Asking ourselves why we are doing something? Actions that come from our true Self could be acts of kindness or something we are passionate about and these sorts of actions feel good. Actions from our ego self could be wanting to get the highest score or further in a pose without considering what it takes to get there. These types of actions can leave us feeling uncomfortable. By practising svadhyaya and being able to observe ourselves, with satya(honesty) and ahimsa(kindness), we can discern which actions harm us or benefit us.
To help us make these observations and know what our values are, we need time to reflect and this is where meditation comes in.
Meditation – Our meditation practise allows us be introspective, to slow down and to quieten. To understand that we are more than our physical bodies and our thoughts. Our meditation helps us to connect with our true Self so that we react to everyday problems from a better place.
A lovey mantra to repeat whilst meditating is So Ham – “I am that (the universe)”. As you inhale repeat “So” as you exhale “Ham’. As you focus on the breath and the sounds allow yourself to connect with the meaning and the rest will fall into place.
Here is a link to a reel I made whilst writing this mantra link.
Why should I self-study or practise svadhyaya? – By maintaining a practise of self-study, we can better understand who we are and what is important to us. Our actions are more aligned to our values. We can connect to the divine energy of the universe and feel at peace.