
by Kalyani Yoga

The Yama (moral code) this week is asteya – non-stealing. I’m sure that we do not steal intentionally but there may be times when we do so without realising.

Some of the following may sound familiar – I know I have done some of these unintentionally:

  • Repeatedly being late to an appointment or meeting – we are stealing the other person’s time
  • Entering a room abruptly – stealing the energy of the space
  • Buying more than we need (eg. toilet roll) – stealing from others the ability to purchase what they need
  • Taking supplies or using facilities at work for non work purposes – we are stealing from the company as we are paid to work and not to surf the internet.
  • Not being present – stealing from ourselves the opportunity to experience each and every moment of our lives


Why might we “steal”?

We may be inclined to “steal” when we are afraid that we are lacking in some way. We may not have the faith that we are able to create what we need and fulfil our desires. We may not have faith that the universe will provide all that we need.

So how can we instill asteya?

If we feel we are enough and we have enough we can feel happier in ourselves and more content. This way we can establish ourselves in asteya.

Patanjali says that when we are established in asteya we receive all the jewels effortlessly. In essence, when we feel gratitude for our abundance the universe provides us with all that we need and more.

True wealth or richness is a mind established in asteya that is calm, content and free of anxiety.

Our yoga practise on and off the mat helps us to establish this feeling. The more we practise acceptance and generosity, the more complete we will feel.

Action – To instill asteya I will remind myself that “I am enough”. How will you establish asteya?

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