This term we are looking at the Eight Limbs of Yoga and we start with Yama. Yamas in yoga are ways that we can act to bring peace and contentment in our world. This week we are considering the first Yama – Ahimsa/Non-harming.
Ahimsa can be practised in all parts of our life, in our actions and thoughts to others and ourselves. In class we explored the type of language we might use when speaking to ourselves. Is it positive, is it kind? When we behave with love and kindness in all our actions, we create positive energy within us and around us. And when this happens, people cannot help but return that loving kindness:).
To practise Ahimsa in our asana we can accept ourselves exactly where we are and in a way that is nurturing. Off the mat, our words, thoughts and actions can be kind, loving and considerate.
So, rather than trying to change the world from the outside, lets start with ourselves and send good vibrations out 🙂
Linked to this week’s theme I came across this beautiful track “Ahimsa” that I’d like to share with you. The track has been composed by the amazing U2 and A. R. Rahman. What struck me is that the starting lyrics are in tamil and from an ancient collection (around 500CE) of couplets known as Thirukkural by Thiruvalluvar (a tamil poet). It is wonderful for me to hear such beautiful tamil poetry and I wanted to share it with you. Whenever I hear the Tamil language it makes me smile and warms my heart 🙂 I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts